126.22hz (graphical notation score)
Graphical notation score(13ft)+ sound based of the score in video format( 9:13 min)+Immersive Installation of the score(27ft= 70 panels)
126.22hz is inspired by graphical notation, where music is represented by visual symbols outside the realm of traditional music notation. In this particular score varied data and graphs have been arranged to form a sound score inspired by the Sun and its effects on Earth. The data is gathered from the beginning of time; to the atomic structure of the sun; graphs of phototropism, solar spots and sun spectrum; ancient maps of the solar system and lunar cycles; chlorophyll, ganglion and vitamin D which respond to sunlight; weather formation etc. The structure and interpretation were informed by Walter Benjamin’s concept of ‘Messianic’ time, in which time is a fluid, relative concept associated with the experience of immediacy, and the creation of non-linear connections with particular, past or future points. The empirical data inspires sound through symbolism and intuitive interpretation of the form of the image. Literal interpretations also create new associations when they are juxtaposed against each other (for example, the sound of birds taking off against the sound of ice melting and cracking). Though the score is read from left to right and has a linear progression of time, the varied data and graphs are not time bound and are open to artistic interpretation.
( in collaboration with Jake Charkey)