The Unwanted Ecology (powered by Solar Panel and sound installation responsive to humidity sensor), 2017 Launched in KIASMA for Hello World! Ars 17 Size: 45cm dia* 100cm ht CONCEPT...
Irna torquent accumsan aliquet a metus netus tellus egestas, eu semper tortor fusce duis massa morbi parturient ornare.
The Unwanted Ecology (powered by Solar Panel and sound installation responsive to humidity sensor), 2017Launched in KIASMA for Hello World! Ars 17Size: 45cm dia* 100cm ht CONCEPT This self-sustainable...
The Unwanted Ecology (powered by Solar Panel and sound installation responsive to humidity sensor), 2017Launched in KIASMA for Hello World! Ars 17Size: 45cm dia* 100cm ht CONCEPT This self-sustainable...
eMotiVe sOuNDs of the eLEctRic wRiTEr (project commissioned by the Jeu du Paume 2013-15) “A good handwritten letter is a creative act, and not just because it is a...
126.22hz ((project commissioned by the Form Public Art Gallery, Perth 2015) Graphical notation score(13ft)+ sound based of the score in video format( 9:13 min)+Immersive Installation of the score(27ft= 70...
pOLymORpHic hUMansCApESize: 50cm diameter 60cm heightElements used: Copper, Acrylic, PCB components, Raspberry Pi, Sensor, LCDContains 2 videos which are time-lapsed and stop motion technique is used. The modern city... eLEmeNT: EaRThSize: 56cm*40cmMedium: Glass bottle, Wood, Acrylic sheets, Wire, Solar cells, Battery, Sensors, Copper, Silver Soldering, Pcb board Components Concept: Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning...
AimThe intention of the application through sound, interactivity and visuals is to reconnect the app users to nature and inform them about rapid urbanization and it’s effect on ecology... News from Nowhere Land Five islands of Utopia constructed out of 133 mobile speakers, sensitive to light, come alive, to resonate sounds that have been designed to transport...